Posts Tagged ‘Google Places Facebook Listing’

Facebook Page In Google Places Results

November 20, 2010

I thought the following three pack of Google Places results was unusual but also quite instructive.

While there isn’t anything unusual about seeing Google Maps results appear in a list of local results within Google, I hadn’t ever seen anything other than Google Maps results there before.

I think presenting a Facebook page as part of the “Places” results is new.

Google Places Facebook Listing

Google Places Facebook Listing

In this particular example, the business owner has both a Facebook page and a Google Places page that appear in the results.

It looks like Google might have had to crawl the business owner’s Google Places page first to generate the Facebook link and result in the Google three pack.

Google Maps Facebook Link

Google Maps Facebook Link

Regardless of which came first – the Google Place account or the Facebook business page – the marketing possibilities for the yet as unlisted or unsearchable business are exciting.

If having a Facebook business page alone is enough to get listed in Google Places results, what is keeping all the small businesses without websites or directory listings from instead setting up a Facebook business listing and linking it to a Google Places account?